excited to try honey?
Whether you have never danced before or you are an experienced dancer, we've got you!
When you're first getting into dancing, it can feel like you have entered a completely new world and that can be super overwhelming.
Here at Honey we strive to create an empowering, loving, supportive community of dancers in a space that is 100% judgement-free.
Do I need to be an experienced dancer to participate in a Honey class?
Not at all! We welcome all levels of dancers. From those who have never danced before, right up to professional dancers, and everything in between! The beautiful thing about dance is it is never too late to start your journey.
What should I wear to a Honey class?
There are literally no rules as to what you should wear! Wear what makes you feel confident and empowered with the ability to move your body. Switch up your style with the type of class you are taking to suit the mood, but most importantly, have fun with it!
How is HONEY different to other Dance studios?
At Honey, we are so proud of the community we have created together. There is no “us” and “them”, no cliques, no favouritism and no private circles. We are one big happy family! The quality of our dance classes are a direct reflection of the hard work and dedication our students bring to class each week.
The Honey studio is designed to be a comfortable, empowering and professional environment for all. Featuring state-of-the-art lighting, professional sports flooring, airconditioning and a premium sound system.
Our Dance studio also features the “Honey Lounge” on our mezzanine level, where students can engage, stretch and unwind before and after class in an inviting, comfortable and luxurious setting.
What shoes are required for Heels classes?
It is important to ensure you are wearing comfortable and safe shoes for Heels classes. If you are concerned about wearing heels, you can wear boots or even no shoes to start with until you learn the heels technique. Once you have gained your confidence, you can slowly work your way up to sexy stilettos!
For more affordable heels we recommend 'Light in the Box' online store.
For higher quality shoes designed specifically for heels dancing, we recommend Burju or Vivaz online stores.
Follow us on socials
Instagram: @honeybykatekleine
Facebook: @honeybykatekleine
Tik Tok: @honeybykatekleine